The Approach resilience training app is in process of development.
This output will encourage trainers to develop habit of self-evaluation of their performance on an ongoing basis. The questions to reflect on will be based on the theoretical framework of professional resilience, which stems from the field of positive psychology. This tool can be perceived also as a self-coaching tool for trainers. The innovative elements is that this tool places strong focus on the self-care aspect in the professional development of trainers and will also provide practical resilience exercises. Building their resilience will support trainers in the effective handling of unexpected training situations and maintaining positive mindset in critical classroom processes. The tool will be available online, which will allow for 24/7 autonomous usage.
Important part of the process of development was the organisation of focus groups to test and validate the concept of the app. The main finding of the focus groups can be summarised as follows:
1. It is important to reconsider the target group of the app – whether to be experienced trainers or to direct the app towards beginners and general public and have the platform as experienced trainers directed tool.
2. The main common recommendation that is present in all countries refers to building the app and the platform in such a way to enable peer learning between trainers using it. There are different variations proposed: forum, chat, match making on the basis of interests.