Your Ideas Matter

Partnerships Matter

You matter


About Us

Since our establishment in 2015 we are placing the focus of our activities on trainings, research and education innovation design. We believe, that your ideas matter and we have the right set of skills and competences to turn these ideas into successful endeavours.

Popular Projects

Capacity Building

It enables nonprofit organizations and their leaders to develop competencies and skills that can make them more effective and sustainable, thus increasing the potential for organisations to enrich lives and solve society’s most intractable problems. 

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Design Thinking 

The starting point of our joint effort is supporting adult education trainers in the delivery of training to disadvantaged young adults through a methodology based on design thinking and aimed at civic engagement and participation.

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Women Empowerment

Voice UP equips adult trainers with the adequate methodology and resources in effective teaching of their courses to disadvantaged women who are trying to return to the job market.

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International Partners



Check out our free access educational and training innovations developed as part of Erasmus+ projects and cooperation with our network of trainers and facilitators. 

Women empowerment manual

Board Game


Women Empowerment


Weekly Resources



Уважаеми колеги, Каним ви да се включите в международен проект, насочен към превенция на бърнаут сред обучители и треньори за възрастни. Проектът цели да обучи 10 треньори за възрастни в разработването, провеждането и оценяването на обучения с акцент върху превенцията...

On 27.03.2024 in the Social Innovators Bulgaria hub we stated a series of discussions under the name of "Conversation on INTUITION, ep.1". The idiator and moderator Dr. Lachezar Africanov, lecturer at the NBU in the field of educational leadership, chose an...

Empowering trainers, enriching lives: Your Ideas Matter joins EUNITA project

“I believe in intuitions and inspirations...I sometimes FEEL that I am right. I do not KNOW that I am.”― Albert Einstein Your Ideas Matter is excited to announce its participation in the EUNITA project. This initiative, operating at European scale, is poised to...

Personalised Youth Work Newsletter – issue 4

The THIRD issue of the Personalised Youth Work project newsletter covers work progress around thе finalisation and publication of both Methodology and Toolbox developed within the project.   Check it out by clicking on the picture bellow 👇👇👇

PROSILIENCE content is being produced

The Prosilient VET toolbox is a new accessible way of self-paced, self-learning repository of tools and resources for CVET trainers, which will support them in building their prosilience. Trainers will develop the competences to handle effectively all range of...

Design thinking Resource Book is LIVE now

We are proud to announce that our Design Thinking Resource Book is ready and published in all partner languages: German, Norwegian, Italian and Bulgarian, as well as in English. The starting point of our joint effort is supporting adult education trainers in the...

Resilience training app is live for Google Play and Apple Store

The Approach resilience training app iz availble for Andriod and Apple! The app and approach content encourage trainers to develop habit of self-evaluation of their performance on an ongoing basis.  This tool is perceived also as a self-coaching tool for trainers. The...

ACTION FOR FUTURE multiplier event in Sofia

Your Ideas Matter Bulgaria implemented an event in the city of Gotse Delchev with + teachers, trainers and representatives of local authorities, presenting the main results and products of the Action for future project. The event was aiming to demonstrate the Design...

APPROACH multiplier event in Sofia

Diversity Leadership was central topic in Your Ideas Matter multiplier event, organized in Bulgaria. Around + teachers, trainers and local authorities in the city of Gotse Delchev participated actively in the discussion on the need for new leadership skills in order...

Diversity Leadership Manual is published

  The APPROACH vision aims to encourage trainers to employ a broad view towards the diversity of their learners. The APPROACH Manual provides trainers with comprehensive guidelines and current knowledge on the topic. In the chapters, we invite you to explore in...

1000 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 889 519 953

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