The APPROACH vision aims to encourage trainers to employ a broad view towards the diversity of their learners.
The APPROACH Manual provides trainers with comprehensive guidelines and current knowledge on the topic. In the chapters, we invite you to explore in more detail the concept of diversity leadership and specific traits and qualities that make for a great diverse leader.
You will learn about the concept of diversity leadership, how to develop and nurture the diversity leadership work style and you will better understand how to link this mindset with training specific groups of adult learners. This will be enriched by practical activities that allow you to embed the diversity leadership approach in your daily work with adults at risk.
The Manual can be downloaded on the links bellow and is ready to be used in all training settings with your learners!
About the project:
The APPROACH project combines the efforts of 4 partners (European Learning Network – UK, Your Ideas Matter – BG, BEST – AT, International School of Entrepreneurship – NL), representing different regions of Europe – Western (UK and Netherlands), Central (Austria) and Eastern (Bulgaria). The starting point of our joint effort is supporting adult trainers in the delivery of training to adults in risk. By providing adult trainers with a comprehensive manual in diversity leadership (IO1) and a professional resilience building online tool (IO2), we aim at increasing the quality of training provided to disadvantaged adults, so that they can successfully find employment opportunities and stay employed for a longer period. In that sense, our proposal is in direct link with the Erasmus+ adult specific priority, emphasizing on “extending and developing the competences of educators and other personnel in effective teaching of low-qualified adults”.
This project (project n° 2020-1-UK01-KA204-078975) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. |