by Veneta Kuyova | Feb 5, 2025 | NEWS
Уважаеми колеги, Каним ви да се включите в международен проект, насочен към превенция на бърнаут сред обучители и треньори за възрастни. Проектът цели да обучи 10 треньори за възрастни в разработването, провеждането и оценяването на обучения с акцент върху превенцията...
by Veneta Kuyova | May 28, 2024 | Uncategorized
On 27.03.2024 in the Social Innovators Bulgaria hub we stated a series of discussions under the name of “Conversation on INTUITION, ep.1”. The idiator and moderator Dr. Lachezar Africanov, lecturer at the NBU in the field of educational leadership, chose...
by Veneta Kuyova | Mar 1, 2024 | INTUITION, NEWS
“I believe in intuitions and inspirations…I sometimes FEEL that I am right. I do not KNOW that I am.”― Albert Einstein Your Ideas Matter is excited to announce its participation in the EUNITA project. This initiative, operating at European scale, is poised to...
by Veneta Kuyova | Jan 23, 2023 | NEWS, Personalised Youth Work
The THIRD issue of the Personalised Youth Work project newsletter covers work progress around thе finalisation and publication of both Methodology and Toolbox developed within the project. Check it out by clicking on the picture bellow...
by Veneta Kuyova | Jan 12, 2023 | NEWS, Prosilient
The Prosilient VET toolbox is a new accessible way of self-paced, self-learning repository of tools and resources for CVET trainers, which will support them in building their prosilience. Trainers will develop the competences to handle effectively all range of...