Burnout prevention through coaching (BURN-CO)

Burnout prevention through coaching (BURN-CO)
Project start


This project recognizes the critical importance of addressing burnout among coaches and adult trainers. Many professionals in our field demonstrate exceptional commitment and dedication to their work, driven by their passion for delivering high-quality training experiences. However, this dedication often comes at a cost, as they risk overextending themselves and depleting their energy reserves, ultimately leading to burnout.

We define three main objectives:

– To train 10 adult trainers in designing, delivering and assessing training with focus on preventing burnout thought coaching
within a period of 8 days in Spain.
– To enhance our adult trainers’ skills to identify and prevent burnout conditions.
– To increase our international dimension as a training provider.


Erasmus+, KA1, Learning Mobility of Individuals, 2024-1-BG01-KA122-ADU-000218008


Your Ideas Matter


August 2024 – February 2025


We expect our project to raise awareness about burnout prevention, enhance skills among coaches adult trainers, improve
training quality, and positively impact organizational well-being. Through increased knowledge sharing and collaboration, we
anticipate creating a supportive community dedicated to promoting well-being in the training profession. Overall, our project
aims to empower individuals to prioritize their well-being, reduce burnout rates, and create healthier work environments.

This project (project n° 2024-1-BG01-KA122-ADU-000218008) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

APPROACH multiplier event in Sofia

APPROACH multiplier event in Sofia

Diversity Leadership was central topic in Your Ideas Matter multiplier event, organized in Bulgaria. Around + teachers, trainers and local authorities in the city of Gotse Delchev participated actively in the discussion on the need for new leadership skills in order...


1000 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 889 519 953

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