“Education is a fundamental human right, a valuable public good and an indispensable tool for the development of peaceful, sustainable and equitable societies.”
4th global report on adult learning and education:
leave no one behind: participation,
equity and inclusion – UNESCO Digital Library, p.3
We are happy to announce the official publication of our Design Thinking Manual finished in all partner languages (EN, DE, IT, BG, NO) and available to trainers to be used in their work with adults in risk. The Manual has been a joint effort between all Action for Future partners in the consortium (Your Ideas Matter, Startklar Soziale Arbeit gGmbH, BEST, LoPe, Associazione Formazione Professionale del Patronato San Vincenzo) to produce a ready-to-be-used manual on the topic of design thinking. The starting point of our joint effort is supporting adult education trainers in the delivery of training young adults through a methodology based on design thinking and aimed at civic engagement and participation.
We would like to raise the quality of adult education to match current dynamic realities in our countries and beyond. – We find that key elements of design thinking do go hand in hand with the special spirit having initiated the idea behind this project. At the same time, the implementation of such key elements shall substantially lead to increased motivation and engagement among the final beneficiaries of our project, i.e. young European adult learners. By equipping adult trainers with a Design Thinking Trainer’s Manual and, in combination, a Resource Book, we aim at increasing the quality of training provided to young adults, so that they can successfully engage in different community development initiatives.
Helmut Kronika, Managing Director, BEST
The Design Thinking Manual offers a comprehensive training manual, combining all relevant know-how in the field of design thinking and how to organise the learning experience in such a way to foster learners’ motivation for learning and development through active civic engagement and participation. In terms of content and based on previous experience of our partnership the manual includes a chapter on the design thinking term and concept, presenting a synthesis of internationally recognize definitions and models of applying design thinking in the social and education field. Another chapter is dedicated to the delivery of design thinking in adult education, offering an integrated design thinking methodological framework. The final chapters are the most practical in our manual, where we provide examples of implementation scenarios of our methodology in different areas and types of adult education courses.
The Manual can be downloaded on the links bellow and is ready to be used in all training settings with your learners!
About the project:
The Action for Future project combines the efforts of 5 partners, representing different regions of Europe – Germany and Austria, Bulgaria, Norway, and Italy. The starting point of our joint effort is supporting adult education trainers in the delivery of training to disadvantaged young adults through a methodology based on design thinking and aimed at civic engagement and participation. By equipping adult trainers with a Design Thinking Manual and a Resource Book, we aim at increasing the quality of training provided to young adults, so that they can successfully engage in community development initiatives.
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This project (project n° 2020-1-DE02-KA204-007415) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. |