Your Ideas Matter, Eudaimonia Solutions and Society for Organizational Learning – Bulgaria organised one-day boutique learning journey in the world of composition work and business constellations.

The training answered the following questions:

• Are you ready for the next step in your personal and professional life?

• Do you want to unlock new sources of deep data to make better decisions?

• Do you want to find out new ways of unblocking yourself?

• Do you want to find new ways to improve your coaching, training and HR skills?

Who was this workshop for?

• Any individual in search of better personal and professional development

• Any coach, trainer and HR specialists in search of ways to improve one’s professional performance

Who were the trainers?

• Ms. Agnieszka Konopka is a psychologist and the founder of Compositionwork

• Mr. Wim van Beers is a specialist in performance management and has contributed to the development of Compositionwork

• Mr. Martijn Meima is a specialist in business intuition and is an internationally known facilitator of Business Constellations.

How the learning process was organized?

During the day you participants first took a journey inwards to explore different parts of yourself and discover what they have to tell you. Using the powerful Compositionwork method all participants became more aware of the different parts of themselves and how they influence who you are.

After this personal exploration, we moved into the area of business and profession. We learned more about those parts of ourself that affect how we act in our professional life.

Finally, it was time to move our attention outwards and discover what intuitive information is available for our business questions. Using business constellations, we explored various issues that arose from the group. During the whole journey, we mostly worked with the subconscious and with the intuitive layer. We learned by experiencing and exploring, not by listening and understanding.

At the end of the day, all participants have:

• gained more awareness of the different aspects of yourself

• set one or more steps in creating freedom to create the (professional) life that you want

• received intuitive insights regarding questions you have

• connected more to your body and the information it provides

• connected more to your inner compass that will guide you to set the right steps

For further information and references: