by Veneta Kuyova | Jun 4, 2019 | Events, NEWS
Your Ideas Matter in cooperation with JA Bulgaria and the Edge R&D offer you exclusive trainings on June, 21st and 22nd on the topics of business constellations and storytelling to be led by our friends from the Netherlands – Martijn Meima and Frederique te...
by Veneta Kuyova | May 15, 2019 | Events, NEWS
WHAT we offer? We are happy to co-organise and offer you an amazing 2-day retreat on June 14 – 15, 2019 in Bulgaria. This retreat is especially interesting for you if you want to fine tune your leadership style to the current challenges of the modern world. Then...
by Veneta Kuyova | Feb 19, 2017 | Events, NEWS
Your Ideas Matter, Eudaimonia Solutions and Society for Organizational Learning – Bulgaria organised one-day boutique learning journey in the world of composition work and business constellations. The training answered the following questions: • Are you ready for the...
by Veneta Kuyova | May 30, 2016 | Events
The Global Association of SoL Communities (GASC), a renowned international network of SoL (Society for Organizational Learning) communities and the emergent community of SoL Bulgaria organize the 2016 GASC Conference Journey with the purpose of fostering knowledge...