Your Ideas Matter in cooperation with JA Bulgaria and the Edge R&D offer you exclusive trainings on June, 21st and 22nd on the topics of business constellations and storytelling to be led by our friends from the Netherlands – Martijn Meima and Frederique te Dorsthorst.
The Get New Business Insights Using Business Constellations workshop will be led by Martijn Meima on June, 21st between 18:00 and 21:00h in Sofia. Martijn is an experienced business constellation facilitator and trainer from the Netherlands. He is the business intuition expert in Europe and has specialized in using intuition and intuitive methods professionally. The method he presents is one of the most powerful methods he has come across are business constellations. They provide a simple, effective and sometimes magical way to find the root cause of a business problem. For registration you can follow the link HERE.
You can find more information about business constellations on Martijn’s website or watch one his webinars “All You Need To Know About Business Constellations”
Frederique te Dorsthorst is an international story worker, trainer and narrative coach from the Netherlands. She helps people to address their own narrative intelligence so they can really be the heroes of their own life’s instead of being lived by others. Her workshop is titled “Unleash the power of your (business) story” and will be organised on June, 22nd between 18.00 and 21.00 o’clock. In this workshop you will get insights in the power of your own (business)story and how you can use that to be successful in your own way in your life and/ or business. The power of stories is impressive. Stories can help you to achieve what you want to achieve, but they can also impede you and bring you down. For registration you can follow the link HERE.
For more information about the workshop http://vertelvrouwe.nl/unleash-the-power-of-your-businessstory/
Both workshops will be led in English in Sofia. The venue of the meeting will be announced on a later stage depending on the number of participants registered.
FB events: Unleash the power of your (business) story
Get New Business Insights Using Business Constellations
For more information or questions on payment you can contact Veneta Kuyova, vkuyova@gmail.com, 0889519953.