Design thinking manual is live now

Design thinking manual is live now

“Education is a fundamental human right, a valuable public good and an indispensable tool for the development of peaceful, sustainable and equitable societies.” 4th global report on adult learning and education: leave no one behind: participation, equity and...
Voice Up Training Videos Are Live

Voice Up Training Videos Are Live

VOICE UP VIDEOS We are happy to announce that our VOICE UP vides are live and ready to be used by trainers. The videos offer online self-learning opportunity for adult trainers, which will demonstrate how key exercises and methods described in the methodology can be...
Resilience training app in progress

Resilience training app in progress

Approach – How to Apply Practical and Successful Work Styles in Training Situations The Approach resilience training app is in process of development. This output will encourage trainers to develop habit of self-evaluation of their performance on an ongoing...